Car Repairs: Where To Find Help For My Car?

Where do you turn to when you need advice about cars? There are plenty of options, but which will provide you with the best quality information? It's important to know where to look for the questions, which are affecting your motoring life. Here are a few pointers that should keep you on the move.
Where To Find Car Help: The Internet
We live on the Internet pretty much 24/7 and that's where most of us tend to take a look first. Obviously there's a lot of misinformation out there and it's best to find multiple sources and then try and form a consensus from that.
Where To Find Car Help: Car Forums
Sometimes you need some more informed comment and that means finding an owners club with an online forum. In an ideal world, you sign up, log in and ask your question. Most clubs are very friendly, however, be on guard for some sniping and sarcasm. Again, there can be conflicting advice, but it will be better than random Internet searches.
Where To Find Car Help: How To Videos
Actually, ‘How To’ videos can be excellent, giving you a step-by-step, real world guide to a repair, or installation. Again, more than one video gives you a greater perspective on what you need to do. Then again, it would be nice to get a definitive answer.
Where To Find Car Help: Haynes Manuals And Online
The next level of real expertise is to find an organisation that you can trust. Probably the best thing you can do, especially with an older vehicle is to find the relevant Haynes manual. Yes, let’s go back to good old-fashioned books. Clear instructions, pictures and hard information.
Go to their website for more information, and videos that you really can trust. £1.99 to find out just how to replace your front brake pads is a bargain.
Read Our Guide To Haynes Manuals
Where To Find Car Help: MotorEasy
Finally there's MotorEasy. It's your friendly first port of call for whatever question you could possibly have about keeping moving. Call or email us and we will point you in the direction of a garage you can trust and a solution that will work. Our magazine also has a lot of useful information to help you look after your car.
Further Reading
Book Your Car In For A Free Health Check